
How To Remove A Stuck Tampon


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Nosotros've all heard horror stories about stuck tampons, which, if left in for too long, accept links to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Only what actually happens when yous become to a doctor to have one removed? Is in that location a manner to get one out yourself? We asked Dr Deborah Lee, a sexual and reproductive health specialist, of Dr Fob Online Chemist's shop, who has plenty of experience in this particular field to explain (and remember, taking charge of your health is never something to feel embarrassed about).

Can a tampon get stuck?

Start thing'due south first: yes, it tin can. "It's non uncommon to run into patients in the sexual health dispensary with a forgotten tampon and information technology's nothing to be ashamed of," Dr Lee says, adding that sometimes people aren't always aware that they're experiencing symptoms considering of a rogue tampon either. "Virtually commonly they attend lament of smelly vaginal discharge. The smell is usually pretty foul – in one case smelt never forgotten."

She believes that many women utilize two tampons during a heavy flow, then remove ane and by mistake, the other gets left behind. "It's non only tampons which get forgotten either, I accept removed contraceptive caps, pieces of split condoms, whole condoms, and even a strange metal object which turned out to exist the washer from a lady'south shower-caput."

How does a doctor remove a stuck tampon?

Firstly, yous'll be asked to prevarication on the couch on your back in the usual position for a gynae examination, stripped off from the waist down. "The examination begins by the medico or nurse gently inserting a speculum (similar to one used during a smear examination, that looks like a duck'south neb) into the vagina," explains Dr Lee. "Commonly you tin can easily see the tampon lodged in there, and then it can be simply removed with sponge forceps." The tampon may be centrally positioned in forepart of your neck, or information technology may be squashed in one or other side of the cervix, called the vaginal fornix. "We might take a swab at this signal. And then, using a pair of long-handled forceps to grasp the end of the tampon, it can exist removed." Virtually women recover very chop-chop and won't need antibiotics.


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Does having a stuck tampon injure?

If the tampon has been in there for some time, information technology may be causing discomfort, although near are painless. "The removal may be uncomfortable when the speculum is inserted, merely most patients cope very well with the process," notes Dr Lee. "Some patients are very worried and recollect information technology may have been there for some fourth dimension. When information technology's removed, they feel huge, instant relief."

Tin can a tampon get lost inside you?

No, information technology's non possible to lose a tampon inside your body. "A tampon cannot go up inside you and disappear in the depths of your pelvis or abdomen," says Dr Lee. "The vaginal walls and the cervix seal off the vagina so this could never happen. And then, don't be scared of that." She too explains that while some women feel unconfident about their female anatomy and worry about sticking their fingers in their own vagina, you won't exercise yourself any major harm past doing this.

If you want to remove a tampon yourself, you can either practice it sitting on the toilet or continuing with ane foot upwards on the toilet basin. "Wash your easily first. Office the labia with one hand and insert one or two fingers upward and backwards as far every bit they tin become," says Dr Lee. "You may be able to grasp either the whole tampon, or the threads, and you tin can then gently pull information technology out."

You don't always have to go to the doctor – withal, if you've tried in vain, it's fourth dimension to make that appointment. While the vast bulk of women with forgotten tampons won't develop a serious infection like Toxic Shock Syndrome, it's e'er best to err on the side of circumspection.

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Features Editor Jennifer Savin is Cosmopolitan UK's Features Editor (for both print and digital), specializing in investigative reports, news, women'south problems and all things health.

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