
How To Remove Fork Github

Clean your useless GitHub forks

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If you contribute to many projects on GitHub, your profile is total of temporary forks that are merely useful while the pull request is open up. After that there is no reason to proceed the fork. This tool volition delete all such forks. And if there's whatsoever commits in the fork that have not yet been merged upstream, the fork will exist kept, of grade. For the extra peace of mind, the tool will ask you to ostend the forks information technology plans to delete.

GitHub now suggests to delete the fork later on deleting a PR branch, and so this software is now less necessary. Still, depending on your workflow, you may do good from mass-pruning of forks.


To let the library access to a GitHub account, 1 needs an OAuth token. Create a new token with permissions public_repo, delete_repo. (include repo every bit well if you want to allow access to private repositories), and laissez passer it to the library.


              $ [sudo] npm install --global remove-github-forks                          


              $ remove-github-forks token ? Will delete: user/repo, user/repo2 <yep|no>: yeah Done!                          

Warning! Your beat out volition probable store your command history in a plain-text file such as .bash_history. Equally a quick workaround, consider adding a space in front of your command for it to not be stored:

              $ <space>remove-github-forks token                          

If you want to do this oftentimes and are happy with saving the token in manifestly-text, add an allonym to your .bashrc:

              alias clean-github='remove-github-forks YOUR-TOKEN'                          


  • --debug will output extended details in case of errors.
  • --user <userOrOrganization> will but clean repositories for the user or arrangement provided, without touching repositories for organizations you are in.
  • -y, --yes volition not ask for confirmation before deleting repositories. Useful for cron jobs!


Main usage to delete useless forks:


var  clean = crave ( " remove-github-forks " ) ;

make clean ( token , part ( err ) { } ) ;

clean (

  token ,


    user : " my-username " ,

} ,

function ( err ) { }

) ;

Advanced usage:


clean . get ( token , {

progress : part ( info ) { }

  user : ' my-username ' ,

warnings : function ( msg , err ) { }

} , function ( err , repos ) { } ) ;

clean . remove ( token ,  repos , function ( err ) { } ) ;


I am not aware of many alternatives to this tool.

1 is github-make clean-forks past caub.


Thanks for everyone who has contributed, and in particular @fregante for reinvigorating a paused project.


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