
Can You Cook Microwave Meals In The Oven

Y'all can microwave salary in less fourth dimension than it takes to heat up your oven or skillet.

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If you lot're not used to cooking salary in the microwave, information technology might sound like a terrible idea. But yes, you can cook bacon in the microwave in a thing of minutes, without any mess. When sandwiched betwixt layers of newspaper towels, bacon cooked in the microwave comes out oh so crispy and delicious.

Can You Microwave Salary?

It's been established that you can indeed cook bacon in the microwave, and there are several reasons why you might desire to:


  • When salary is cooked in layers of newspaper towels, all the fat is absorbed and there'southward trivial to no mess for you lot to make clean upwardly.
  • It merely takes minutes.
  • Because the bacon is cooked for then much less fourth dimension, and the fat is absorbed into the paper towels, the lingering grease smell is much less persistent.

As with anything, this cooking method is not perfect:


  • Information technology's non the most environmentally friendly option, as it requires a lot of paper towels. That is why you might consider purchasing a microwave bacon cooker (more on that beneath).
  • Information technology's easy to overcook if yous don't bank check on it often.
  • You don't become to salve whatsoever of the rendered bacon fat for future apply.

cooked bacon on paper towel

Credit: Bill Brady/Getty Images

How Long to Microwave Salary

In general it takes between three and 6 minutes to melt bacon in the microwave. This could vary depending on your microwave'south wattage, how thick your bacon is, the type of bacon (turkey salary will have a shorter cooking fourth dimension), how much bacon you're cooking, and how crispy y'all want it to be. Salary packages often include cooking instructions with times on how long to microwave. However, nosotros recommend checking on your bacon afterward a few minutes to see how it's coming along. Because the microwave cooks the bacon so chop-chop, information technology's very piece of cake to overcook or even fire.

How to Microwave Bacon

Here's What You'll Need:

  • Microwave-safe plate or dish
  • Newspaper towels
  • Salary

1. Line a plate with paper towels.

Line a microwave-safe plate or dish with two paper towels.

2. Arrange bacon on paper towels.

Adapt as many salary slices as you lot can fit in a single layer on top of the paper towels, making certain none overlap.

iii. Superlative with more than paper towels.

Elevation with two more layers of paper towels.

Optional: If you lot have more than bacon to cook, you lot tin can stack another layer of bacon on superlative of this layer of newspaper towels. Just be sure to add a final two layers of paper towels on acme to foreclose splatters.

four. Microwave.

Microwave on high for iii-iv minutes. Check the bacon. If it still looks translucent, proceed to cook in 30 second bursts until it's as crispy as yous like. With fourth dimension, you'll exist able to more than accurately estimate how long it takes to melt bacon in your microwave.

5. Bleed the fatty.

Advisedly remove the plate from the microwave (using oven mitts or a towel), transfer the cooked bacon to a fresh layer of paper towel, and drain for about two minutes. You tin pat with an additional towel to absorb excess grease.

Tools for Microwaving Bacon Without Paper Towels

If you're going to be microwaving bacon somewhat regularly, you might consider purchasing i of these bacon cookers so you don't fire through your roll of paper towels so quickly. Hither are a few height-rated cookers that reviewers are raving about.


  • The Easiest, No-Mess Manner to Cook Bacon
  • Can You Cook Salary in an Air Fryer?
  • Our xv Best Salary-Wrapped Chicken Recipes
  • Browse our unabridged collection of Bacon Recipes.

Can You Cook Microwave Meals In The Oven,


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