
How Hair Removal Cream Works

Let's face up it: Pilus removal can be a pain. The all-too-familiar feeling of bumpy and irritated skin; the precious fourth dimension sucked abroad by meticulously searching for that one stray pilus; and the copious amounts of money spent on painful waxes, are all things we practise and then our skin tin can feel smoothen and silky. But there'south another pick for pilus removal: depilatory cream.

If y'all've heard virtually the benefits of depilatory cream to remove body pilus—including that it'south easy, cheap, and painless—so perhaps you've already been tempted to swap out your other pilus removal methods for it. It's important to note, however, that depilatories can cause chemical burns and other harmful reactions if non used correctly. That's why we reached out to three trustworthy skincare sources—renowned facialist and esthetician Rhea Souhleris Grous, lath-certified dermatologist Ava Shamban, Md, and licensed esthetician Jodi Shays, to learn how to use depilatory hair removal foam safely.

Read on for their practiced advice that volition accept you ane stride closer to smoother and softer peel.

What Are Depilatory Creams?

"Depilatories—ofttimes found in creams, gels, or lotions—temporarily remove unwanted hair from the face and body," says Shays. Dissimilar razor pilus removal, which severs the hair at the pare level, "a depilatory will penetrate to and through the follicle but does not target the root," adds Shamban.

Depilatory creams are incredibly effective at what they're designed to practise, and many people apply them to remove pilus on both their body and confront. Some venture as far every bit the bikini line, merely due to the nature of these products, it's important to be conscientious and non use them too shut to your genitals, eyes, or nose. Seriously—that'south how you become nasty chemical burns.

If y'all're new to depilatories, they're probably simpler than y'all think. Commencement, a strong alkaline-based product is placed on the unwanted pilus. That substance so breaks down the hair into a jelly-like substance that'southward piece of cake to wipe off. The chemicals in depilatories include ingredients like sodium thioglycolate, calcium thioglycolate, and strontium sulfide, which break down the protein bonds of the hair.

The Benefits


At that place are several benefits to using depilatory creams:

  • It's fast. A minor zone should accept yous no more than 15 minutes total, from offset to finish. Larger areas shouldn't take much longer, every bit the amount of time that yous're required to keep the cream on your skin is the same.
  • It'due south easy. If you can apply foam or utilize a spray nozzle, then you tin use a depilatory. And since there's no detail skill involved, you can use it in the condolement of your own dwelling house or throw it in your handbag to take with y'all on holiday. But be sure to follow the directions and suggested precautions on the packaging.
  • It's relatively inexpensive. For those on a budget or a tight work schedule, depilatory creams are a less expensive, more time-efficient option compared to other hair removal treatments, and they can be constitute nearly anywhere. Your local drugstore should have a variety of kits, creams, and sprays to cull from.
  • It's long-lasting compared to shaving. While shaving removes hair above the skin'southward surface, depilatory creams remove hair beneath the pare, which means your skin will remain smoother for longer.
  • Hair grows dorsum softer. When using a depilatory cream, hairs grow with "a tapered cease, as opposed to a squared-off border" that results from shaving, Grous says.
  • No downtime involved. Compared to other hair removal treatments, depilatory creams usually don't cause cuts, spots, ingrown hairs, or any other lingering effects. "Legs, lips, arms, or other torso parts, are usually immediately smile, swimsuit, or short shorts set up," Shamban says.
  • It's rubber and painless (if used correctly). "Unlike shaving, depilatory creams have less chance of breaking the peel and can also get into difficult-to-reach places," says Shays. Every bit a generally pain-free selection, Shamban points out that this makes a difference for those who have low pain tolerance, are sensitive to other removal modalities, or want to more finer remove hair in sensitive areas, similar the bikini line.

The Downsides

As with even the all-time of products, there are potential downsides to using depilatories, "especially if you use a cheap kit or don't read the instructions," Shays says. Drawbacks include:

  • It'due south not suitable for all areas. Grous cautions against using depilatory creams on areas such as brows, nose, and ears. (You don't desire the cream to slip into your eyes, nostrils, or ear canal, for fear of burning).
  • Information technology may have an odor. If yous've used a depilatory before, yous know that some carry with them a singled-out scent. It'south non necessarily foul-smelling, merely it'south not particularly pleasant either. "If you lot have [a] sensitivity to strong smells or asthma, the fumes from chemic depilatory creams can cause reactions," says Shays. Manufacturers add fragrances to try to encompass some of these odors, and so some smell worse than others. To be off-white, the creams used to be more pungent in the by; these days, it'south likely that your cream volition have a slight chemical smell, tropical scent, or no odor at all.
  • They contain stiff chemicals. You can harm your skin with a depilatory if you go out the product on for likewise long. "These creams are designed to basically 'burn down' your hair off at the skin'south surface," Shays explains. Ask around and people you know probable have stories of burns, blisters, stinging, itchy rashes, and skin peeling associated with depilatories. Be careful, and follow directions.
  • Brusque-lived results compared to waxing. In full general, depilatory creams aren't equally long-lasting compared to other hair removal treatments that remove pilus from the root, like waxing. So, don't be surprised to see hair above the skin's surface inside a couple of days. How chop-chop depends on the hair's texture, rate of growth, and color.
  • A "shadow" may remain. Immediately subsequently removing hair, a shadow may appear underneath the peel. This happens because the pilus hasn't been completely removed and a portion of it remains under the pare.
  • Patchy aftereffect. For those with fibroid hair, using depilatory creams on large areas—such as legs—may appear patchy, "where some of the finer hairs are dissolved simply not the coarse hairs," Shays says.
  • Your skin will be more sensitive to the lord's day. After using a depilatory foam, your skin will exist more prone to sunburn, then using practiced peel protection is essential.
  • It'south messy. Since you lot're calculation and removing a creamy substance with this hair removal method, a pair of gloves may come up in handy.

If you don't like the shadow that may appear underneath the peel after hair removal, you'll have to use a method similar waxing, sugaring, and threading where pilus is removed from the root.

How to Utilise Depilatories

Start things first: Practice your research. When because which depilatory cream to purchase, choose ane with "great reviews and like shooting fish in a barrel-to-follow instructions," says Shays. And go along in mind that you may need to exercise a fiddling planning: Grous recommends stopping the use of all keratolytic products (east.g., retinol, exfoliating acids, scrubs) three days earlier applying a depilatory cream and resuming use 3 days later on a depilatory has been applied.

Now, one time yous're ready to brainstorm the pilus removal procedure, make sure to follow the steps outlined by our experts:

  • Read the instructions thoroughly.
  • Launder your hands.
  • Apply the cream on a small patch of pilus, equally it's important to start the process with a test. "Well-nigh people utilize the side of their neck, and I suggest about a thumbprint-sized amount," says Shays. For extra circumspection, Shamban recommends waiting 24 hours to decide skin reactivity.
  • Make sure your skin isn't reacting negatively. A light tingling is normal while the depilatory is working. Notwithstanding, if y'all feel a called-for awareness, utilise water to remove the cream immediately. This feeling may be a sign your peel is too sensitive, you're allergic to i of the ingredients, or you've left it on too long.
  • If all is well afterwards a patch examination, put on gloves and apply the foam to your desired expanse in a down direction, and proceed in heed that if you apply the foam to your bikini line, you lot must sit yet while the cream is developing. "If you decide to get up and walk effectually, the cream could spread to areas where y'all don't want it," Shays warns.
  • To remove the cream, rinse the affected area with water and pat dry out. Make sure to follow the exact time requirements specified by the manufacturer. The process typically takes near v to 10 minutes to piece of work, depending on the thickness of hair and the manufacturer's formula. Thicker hair takes longer to break downwardly than finer hair. Moisturizing or gentle versions tend to be on the longer side. Shays suggests using a soft microfiber textile to remove, but you may also remove the cream using a towel dampened with cool or warm water. Make sure to remove all the cream from the peel. Grous warns that whatever lingering residue may irritate the skin. "Don't be stingy with h2o," she says. "Rinse and then rinse again!"
  • Follow up with mail-treatment care. Upon removal, Shamban advises the use of alkaline metal lotion to soothe the pare, peculiarly if your skin is feeling sensitive to the bear upon. And if yous can't track one down, "look for moisturizers that are calming and non-comedogenic as a follow-up," says Shamban. Generic hydrocortisone ($5), Aquaphor ($10), and petroleum jelly products are smashing pare-soothing alternatives. And if you programme to go exterior, make sure to use sunblock or avoid direct sunlight as best as possible.
  • If your first attempt at using a depilatory cream was not successful, our experts recommend waiting a few days before attempting once again to allow fourth dimension for your skin to heal.

Are Depilatory Creams Condom for Sensitive Skin?

Anastasiia Krivenok / Getty Images

Everyone'due south pare is unlike, and there is a range of sensitivity. That said, depilatories should never be used on vulnerable skin. If yous take a sunburn; an open wound; a chronic and highly inflammatory pare condition like contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or acne vulgaris; are using Accutane (isotretinoin); or taking antibiotics, skincare experts strongly recommend considering alternative hair removal methods.

Depilatory creams are "generally skin prophylactic with picayune atopic reaction for nigh, only information technology can fire with agile chemic ingredients such as calcium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide," explains Shamban. Many depilatory products will have a alert for burning or blistering, a reaction that is not exclusive to those with sensitive or highly reactive skin. "Yous tin can observe specific formulas with soothing [and] calming agents, including chamomile, aloe vera, vitamin E, calendula, almond oil, cocoa butter, and [other] anti-inflammatory ingredients for sensitive pare," adds Shamban. In full general, those with sensitive peel who are considering using a depilatory cream should look for these specific formulas.

The Best Depilatory Creams

While depilatory creams can be harsh on your skin, there are several products on the market that are especially made to soothe and nourish. Scroll further for our experts' favorite depilatory picks.

Nair Hair Removal Lotion

Nair Hair Removal Lotion with Rich Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E $5.00


Nair has taken steps to prevent irritation past adding cocoa butter to this lotion. Shays's favorite depilatory cream "will always be Nair," she says. "This [hair removal] is what they are famous forThey put a lot of research and testing into their product."

Gigi Hair Removal Lotion

GiGi Hair Removal Lotion $6.00


GiGi is a well-known and trusted make to those familiar with at-domicile hair removal. The brand's best-selling product is its waxing kit; though the depilatory lotion, which is enriched with calming and moisture-rich ingredients like cocoa butter and aloe vera extract, doesn't disappoint.

Veet 3 in 1 Gel Cream

Veet Sensitive Pilus Remover Gel Foam $8.00


This beloved formula by Veet caters to sensitive peel, so those who are susceptible to red and irritated skin can have peace of listen while using this production. Shamban recommends the brand's standard formula, Legs & Trunk iii in 1 Gel Foam ($9).

Nads Sensitive Hair Removal Cream

Nads Sensitive Hair Removal Cream $6.00


For all pare types, Shamban likewise recommends Nads Sensitive Hair Removal Cream. Its melon, aloe vera, avocado oil, and love extracts assistance to soothe skin.

The Takeaway

Depilatory creams are a smashing at-home alternative to many other hair removal procedures; just be certain to employ them with care to avoid irritation.

"After a habitation treatment, monitor the area for swelling, inflammation, rash, blisters, or burns," says Shamban. If whatever negative reactions to a depilatory cream concluding for more than than i day, check in with a lath-certified dermatologist to assess the severity of your reaction.


  • Tin you lot use depilatory creams while pregnant?

    In that location is currently no evidence that depilatory creams like Nair crusade whatever unwanted or negative effects during pregnancy. Even so, if you have any concerns, you should bring them up with your physician.

  • How tin can y'all care for a depilatory foam burn?

    If you have a chemical burn, the most important affair to do is to rinse the expanse make clean and make sure all of the foam is removed from the peel. And so, yous tin use a hydrocortisone cream, which helps speed up healing and reduce inflammation.


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